CBSE Affi no-530872

Mata Gujri Public School is an educational institute established in 2000. It has been working in the area successfully with the objective of imparting knowledge to the kids in real sense. We aim in providing them, a bright future with an attractive personality full of power and knowledge.
Mata Gujri Public School moving on with a mission of imparting knowledge to kids in real sense. It means the real knowledge should be provided by means of character building cultural knowledge and a well -planned syllabus. No development may be permanent if the complete and systematic learning process is not being followed.School is an educational institute established in 2000. It has been working in the area successfully with the objective of imparting knowledge to the kids in real sense. We aim in providing them, a bright future with an attractive personality full of power and knowledge.
Our Challenge today is to create a world that works for all . A world in which we are able to share universal values such as love ,peace, non-violence ,Compassion , Service , Caring for others , forgiveness ,tolerance ,patience ,humanity ,inclusivity ,truth ,joy ,gratitude and happiness .
Our dividers this year stress on global issues . Mankind is God’s creation and has the ability to find solutions to the many challenges we face today.
We need not to only question but should also be reflective and have principled open minds while being informed ethically and analytically .We must learn to understand and appreciate the differences in one another and bring about positive change—– first in ourselves, then in our environment. Such change may bring progress along with it Let us together create a world , each one of us can be proud of.

The School has been established by Mata Gujri Public School Management Society Kangthali which has its origin in the magnificence and philanthropy of Mata Gujri Ji, perhaps the greatest woman of all time made to born by the God Almighty. She endured testing times,passed solider, to whomnobody equal ever.Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. She was pillar of support to her husband Shri Guru Teg Bahadur ji who scarificed his life for the cause of oppresses . She also was a guide to the younger sons Sabibzada Zorawar Singh ji and Sahibzada Fateh Singh ji of Shri Guru Gobind Singh ji when they stood aganist the whole might of the mughal empire to uphold truth and righteousness ,at the tender ages of 9 years and 7 years. It thus becomes naturally obligatory for us to bow our heads in complete reverence to her grandeur. so we do.
Director’s Message
From the desk of the principal
It has been more than two decades since I set on my journey in the field of education as an educator, administrator , it has always been my a long cherished dream to provide students such a solid platform in the school where they can catapult themselves to dizzy heights in their academics and realise their dream of getting into the esteemed and coveted professions.
I believe that a child is a bundle of finest qualities at the subtlest level . To bring out these disguised characteristics to their manifestation is a gradual process. Learning becomes more fruitful and permanent when child centred teaching takes place.
So my aim, therefore is to make learning fun filled enjoyable and contemporary in today’s context keeping in mind our rich cultural social and ethical values.
Education should not be based on Rote learning
But ought to be skill and exposure oriented.
Dear children you are the hope of tomorrow. To spread joy and reduce sorrow be strong and explore the possibilities.
Be whatever you wish to be ,
But remember one thing ;
Be the best you can be.

Each one of has some in built qualities of head and heart which are unlque to the .These qualities prominent themselves when a child grows. Now it is the duty of parents of the child ,his extended family and upto some extent the society to recognize them and shape them so that the concerned child become a complete personality and a useful part of the society and could help in nation building . We Indians are blessed take care of that and further grow it . There is no denying the fact that we as human beings have taken great strides in the field of scientific and worldly knowledge . We can reach across country within hours .We can communicate within second and we can boast about amazing development in the field of prevention and cure dreadful diseases but at the same time .We got lost in the maze of approach to life that is why even thought we call ourselves civilized and modern but our society is suffering from vices like female forticide corruption, unemployment, violence and henous crimes . So I would like that mankind must take care that growth comes equalabily .That is What we try to prepare our students at Mata Gujri Public School.
God bless you